Monday, May 30, 2011

Benefits of International Travel for Girl Scouts

Welcome to my Travel Blog! I am a Girl Scout Leader in Northeast Ohio dedicated to offering international travel experiences for older girl scouts and adults! International travel is educational and exciting and a life-changing experience! The benefits are many! Read on...

International travel can provide opportunities to learn things that a girl scout would never learn in a classroom or a regular troop experience. Below are some of the things gained through international travel.

Improved knowledge of world geography

Believe it or not, there are many children as well as adults who don’t know the geography of our world! When the decision to travel is made, this can spark an interest in looking on a map or globe at where we will be visiting, passing through, and even flying over! It will mean more because they don’t just have to learn it for a test, they will actually be GOING there!

Knowledge and understanding of other cultures
It's easy to ignore or misunderstand other cultures if you never witness them with your own eyes. Traveling to countries with different cultural and religious ideas, different customs, and even different food can be a hugely enriching experience. It can also help girls and adults to become more tolerant and less fearful of other people and situations that are different from what they are used to. It can be liberating for a child or young adult to experience different cultures and realize that their own culture is respected and admired by people in other countries. 


Learning a new language
It is always an advantage to be able to speak a foreign language. While fluency won’t be attained on a short trip, if one already has a basic knowledge of a language, there is nothing like spending even a short time sub-merged in it to improve your understanding. Visiting a place where the language is spoken is more enriching than even the most stringent classroom experiences.

Improved self-confidence
Knowing that they have the ability to survive and thrive way beyond their normal comfort zones can be a huge boost to a girl's self-confidence. They have done something that not everybody gets to do and may well be admired by other people for their achievement. This can bring an increased sense of self-worth and self-esteem to everything they do in the future.

Improved career opportunities
Many companies see travel abroad in general as a valuable learning experience, and many international companies prefer to take on employees who have some international knowledge and experience, however limited. Languages are also becoming an increasingly important skill in our global economy.  


Becoming more open-minded
Traveling abroad and having a wide range of experiences can open a young mind to all sorts of ideas and possibilities that will affect their thinking and under-standing for the rest of their lives, even if they never again get the chance to travel.



Our Girl Scout Group, The International Travel Group ~ GSNEO, has upcoming trips planned through 2014.

2012 Trip is to Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and France).
See the itinerary below.

2013 Trip is to China (Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, and Hong Kong)
See itinerary below.

2014 Trip is to Italy & Greece
See itinerary below.

These trips are open to Girl Scouts anywhere in Northeast Ohio! Contact the administrator at or at for information.

If you have ever considered traveling internationally, consider joining this group to make that thought a reality. We offer money-earning activities and educational activities so girls and adults are fully prepared to get the MOST out of an international travel experience.

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